About - The VI Form Academy
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An Academic Sixth Form

The VI Form Academy is often referred to as the “The Jewel in the crown of Camborne Science & International Academy” because it is a vibrant, high quality, academic institution which achieves excellent results for students. The VI Form Academy has fantastic results with a 100% pass rate since 2015, across all subjects. Furthermore, the progress made by VI Form students places them in the top 10% of the country.



To ensure that students succeed it is imperative that appropriate courses are provided for our students, so we have created a range of different routes which students can opt in to, which cater for students of different abilities. Student who join the sixth form without a good grade in GCSE english and mathematics have dedicated curriculum time and specialist staff enabling them to succeed. Students need support to succeed, so we have a dedicated team of professionals working to support our students.


The VI Form Academy has a very clear philosophy of engaging students in both their academic studies and wider opportunities in order to help them develop into successful and independent adults.  The Student Leadership Team allows innovation through the student body; just like committees in industry, they are tasked with identifying their own area of focus, investigating and planning opportunities, and delivering an end product.


These committees have real responsibilities including organising socials events, charity events, and reviewing facilities. For example, the Student Leadership Team  proposed, planned, and delivered a spectacular Pasty and Quiz night for 120 VI Formers, families, friends, and teachers which raised £200 for charity. The Facilities Committee proposed and planned the new VI Form Centre, on the Academy grounds, which has made the VI Form feel even more special. Look out for further details. A fantastic time was had over the Christmas period as a result of the excellent work by the events committee in organising a Christmas Ball and the performance committee putting on a variety show.


Students are prepared well for the rigours of Post 16 study. In July, students attend a Transition Day where they are provided with transition packs which encourages students to read widely, and develop their interest in their studies. Parents/ carers and prospective students participate in a Welcome Evening at the VI Form in preparation for September. Following a welcome drink the parents and students participate in a carousel of activities which provide information on key parts of VI Form life including: enrichment, trips and visits, induction, pastoral care, financial support, progression support, and sporting academies.


On the very first day of term, Year 12 students start the next stage of their academic careers by spending the day at the South West Lakes Stithians outdoor centre for a team building away day. With over 20% of the cohort joining the VI Form from schools outside of the Camborne area, this provides a great opportunity for making new friends and getting to know each other.

Developing Independence - The VI Form


There are a wide range of enrichment activities available for students to participate in including sporting academies, 10 Tors, and Duke of Edinburgh. It is no surprise The VI Form Academy also have an active international visits programme. This element of VI Form life is a fantastic opportunity for students to broaden horizons and have life-changing experiences.


Opportunities have included the Japanese Humanities Conference; China Science Fair;  exchange trips to Thailand, Korean, Singapore as well as North Korea. The question for students attending the VI Form is ‘How far do you want your time at VI Form to take you?’


We are very proud of our students and work very hard to ensure that students, wanting to progress to university level courses, have every possible chance of doing so. We are very successful in doing this and work to help students get input from universities about courses, input from universities about funding and finance, we offer a huge amount of support and guidance on the UCAS application process, and through the regimented tracking of attainment, and quality teaching and learning provision, we ensure that students have the outcomes they require.


‘School staff prepare students well for the next stage of their education or training. Careers education in the sixth form is strong. The majority of students now enter higher education and they value the preparation they receive for university applications.’ OFSTED 2018


Work Experience is an important part of the curriculum for all students who follow an applied level 3 programme and the VI Form is able to support this through a dedicated Work Experience Co-coordinator. Students who wish to follow an apprenticeship route are supported through the pastoral and VI Form PSHE programme.